Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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244 lines
-- An Interactive Program to Help You Learn Euphoria --
include get.e
include graphics.e
constant NTRYS = 3
constant KEYBOARD = 0, SCREEN = 1
procedure get_answer(object correct)
sequence answer
atom t
for i = 1 to NTRYS do
answer = get(KEYBOARD)
puts(SCREEN, '\n')
if answer[1] = GET_SUCCESS then
if compare(answer[2], correct) = 0 then
puts(SCREEN, "Correct!\n\n")
t = time()
while time() < t+0.1 do
end while
elsif i < NTRYS then
puts(SCREEN, "Try again\n")
t = time()
while time() < t+0.4 do
end while
end if
puts(SCREEN, "syntax error - a Euphoria object is expected\n")
while getc(KEYBOARD) != '\n' do
end while
end if
end for
puts(SCREEN, "The correct answer was: ")
print(SCREEN, correct)
puts(SCREEN, '\n')
end procedure
procedure part1()
-- evaluating simple expressions
object x, y
puts(SCREEN, "Please evaluate the following Euphoria expressions\n")
puts(SCREEN, "You have 3 guesses.\n\n")
x = rand(10)
y = rand(10)
printf(SCREEN, "%d + %d\n", {x, y})
get_answer(x + y)
x = rand(repeat(10, 3))
y = rand(10)
print(SCREEN, x)
puts(SCREEN, " * ")
print(SCREEN, y)
puts(SCREEN, '\n')
get_answer(x * y)
x = rand(repeat(10, 4)) - 5
y = rand(repeat(10, 4)) - 5
print(SCREEN, x)
puts(SCREEN, " > ")
print(SCREEN, y)
puts(SCREEN, '\n')
get_answer(x > y)
x = rand(20)
y = rand(5)
puts(SCREEN, "repeat(")
print(1, x)
puts(SCREEN, ", ")
print(1, y)
puts(SCREEN, ")\n")
get_answer(repeat(x, y))
x = rand(repeat(25, 3)) + 'a'
y = rand(repeat(25, 2)) + 'a'
printf(SCREEN, "\"%s\" & \"%s\"\n", {x, y})
get_answer(x & y)
puts(SCREEN, "append(")
print(SCREEN, x)
puts(SCREEN, ", ")
print(SCREEN, y)
puts(SCREEN, ")\n")
get_answer(append(x, y))
puts(SCREEN, "what will the value of x be\n")
puts(SCREEN, "after executing the following statements?\n")
puts(SCREEN, "x = ")
x = rand({10, 10, {10, 10, 10, 10}, 20})
print(SCREEN, x)
y = rand({20, 20, 20, 20, 20})
puts(SCREEN, "\ny = ")
print(SCREEN, y)
puts(SCREEN, "\nx[3][2..3] = y[4..5]\n")
x[3][2..3] = y[4..5]
end procedure
procedure test_program(sequence file_name, object correct)
-- test a program
integer lout
sequence answer
for i = 1 to NTRYS do
system("ed " & file_name, 0)
while 1 do
system("del ex.err > NUL", 0)
system("ex " & file_name & " > learn.out", 0)
lout = open("ex.err", "r")
if lout = -1 then
system("ed", 0)
end if
end while
lout = open("learn.out", "r")
answer = get(lout)
if answer[1] = GET_SUCCESS then
if compare(correct, answer[2]) = 0 then
puts(SCREEN, "Congratulations, your program worked!\n")
end if
end if
puts(SCREEN, "Sorry, your program is not correct - \n")
"your output is: (Press Enter to continue)\n")
system("type learn.out", 1)
if i < NTRYS then
puts(SCREEN, "\nTry again ...\n")
end if
end for
end procedure
integer user_prog
procedure comment(sequence line)
puts(user_prog, "-- " & line & '\n')
end procedure
procedure prog_line(sequence line)
puts(user_prog, line & '\n')
end procedure
procedure part2a()
-- programming
user_prog = open("work1.ex", "w")
comment("Program #1")
comment("You are now in the Euphoria editor.")
comment("Write a type-function called special that will only allow")
comment("a variable to be 3, 17, 52 or 99.")
comment("Remember that type-functions should return non-zero (TRUE) when")
comment("an object belongs to the type, and 0 (FALSE) when it does not.")
comment("The loop at the bottom will call this type function to")
comment("test it.")
comment("When you are finished, save your program with Esc s Enter\n")
prog_line("type special(integer x)")
comment(" <<<complete it>>>")
prog_line(" return ")
prog_line("end type\n\n\n")
comment("code to test your type ...")
prog_line("sequence good")
prog_line("good = {}")
prog_line("for i = -1000 to 1000 do")
prog_line(" if special(i) then")
prog_line(" good = append(good, i)")
prog_line(" end if")
prog_line("end for")
prog_line("? good")
test_program("work1.ex", {3, 17, 52, 99})
end procedure
procedure part2b()
-- programming
sequence correct
user_prog = open("work2.ex", "w")
comment("Program #2")
comment("You are now in the Euphoria editor.")
comment("Write a program that will print a sequence")
comment("containing the integers from 1 to 100.")
comment("Your output should look like:")
comment("{1, 2, 3, 4, ..., 99, 100}")
comment("When you are finished, save your program with Esc s Enter\n")
correct = {}
for i = 1 to 100 do
correct = append(correct, i)
end for
test_program("work2.ex", correct)
end procedure
procedure part2c()
-- programming
user_prog = open("work3.ex", "w")
comment("Program #3")
comment("You are in the Euphoria editor.")
comment("Complete the following program so that it will")
comment("print any company name in the input data with a score of 100.")
comment("The input list is a sequence of 2-element sequences like:")
comment(" {\"IBM\" , 50},")
comment(" {\"Microsoft\", 62},")
comment(" ... etc ...")
comment("As you can see, the first element is the name and the second")
comment("is the score.")
comment("Print the qualifying names using: puts(1, name)")
comment("You do not need a procedure for this, just do it all in-line.")
comment("You shouldn't have to add more than 10 lines of code.\n")
prog_line("include get.e\n")
prog_line("object x")
prog_line("sequence list")
prog_line("integer f\n")
prog_line("f = open(\"learn.dat\", \"r\")")
prog_line("x = get(f)")
prog_line("list = x[2] -- the entire input list")
prog_line("puts(1, '\"') -- add quotes to help test verifier")
comment("start of your code ...\n\n\n\n")
comment("end of your code")
prog_line("puts(1, \"\\\"\\n\")")
test_program("work3.ex < learn.dat", "Rapid Deployment Software")
end procedure
-- comment out any of these to skip them:
part1() -- quick questions
part2a() -- program 1
part2b() -- program 2
part2c() -- program 3